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Dear Diary

5 Things I’m Doing To Be Happier Everyday

18th January 2019

January has me feeling like one of those hideous fish that lives in the depths of the ocean. Living in total darkness and fumbling around on the constant quest for food. With this combined with the fact that Blue Monday is literally around the corner, I’ve decided that I need to take things into my own hands. I know what I’m like, the darkness paired…

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How To Excel In Everything You Do

17th January 2019

Progression. It’s something we all get our knickers in a twist about. Either it’s not happening fast enough, or it’s not in the area we want or it’s just simply not happening altogether. Whether it’s in your career, your personal life, your side hustle whatev. There are 4 surefire ways to progress in whatever it is you want: Be engaged and enthusiastic If you want…

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Fashion Comparison & Always Being Body Positive

16th January 2019

So. A little dose of realness. I drafted a whole post about how I was in a dark place when I gained weight at university. I was in big friendship group of gorgeous girls, with the majority of them being very petite. They would all share clothes and look so beautiful, and all the clothes would all fit perfectly on one another. But the thought…

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Dear Diary: Award Finalist & Being Called ‘An Inspiration’

15th January 2019

So January has already been a bit of a weird one. And we’re less than 2 weeks in and already I’ve become a finalist for a blogging award and a few of my lovely followers on Instagram called me ‘one of their inspirations’. And to be perfectly honest, it got me in a bit of a flap. So last week I found out – literally…

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January Look Book: What I’m Wearing & Loving

14th January 2019

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. January is the most nothing month in every aspect. I feel a bit spacey about this January in particular as I’m not beating myself up trying to tick off all my goals within the first 2 weeks. I’m now faced with more bitesize tasks on the day-to-day, and the one that’s making me want to rip…

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