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Dear Diary

The High Street Summer Outfits I’m Living In

9th June 2019

Could it be? Is it she? Sacrebleu invaders. Now we’ve got the Disney quote out of the way, HI HELLO CHERUBS. It’s been a minute (3 months but who’s counting?) since my last post, and to be perfectly honest I feel a little rusty at this blogging lark so I’m just going to jump straight in. February until this very instance has been quite the…

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A Day In Soho, London: Where To Go & What To Do

25th March 2019

I’ll say it once, and I’ll say it again. There really is no place like London. And with it essentially on my doorstep, I for one definitely take it for granted. I forget that London is on people’s around the world bucket lists, much like New York and Sydney are on mine. I honestly can’t remember the last time I went to London without an…

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5 Self Improvements I’m Trying For A Happier Life

7th February 2019

I want 2019 to be the biggest in terms of progression for me. Not necessarily in terms of career or anything like that, but I want it to be the happiest I can make it. I want to grow as a person and for the past few years I felt like I hadn’t – I’d become stagnant and as an official woman in her mid-20s…

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My Current 6 Product Skincare Routine

1st February 2019

When it comes to skincare and makeup and all things girly, I have the same philosophy: if it’s for an event then I’ll go the whole nine yards, if it’s day-to-day I want it quick so I can be in bed longer. And this is how I’ve lived my life for as long as I can remember. I’m too lazy to dedicate serious time on…

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Dear Diary: Thing’s That Made Me Cry This Week

30th January 2019

It’s been one of those weeks, and we’re only just over half way through it. I’m not due on my period and yet, I have cried more and been more emotional in the past few days than I have in an absolute age. Y’know one little thing happens and then you start to spiral into a pit of wallowing despair? Hi, that pit has been…

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