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Dear Diary

Everyday Makeup Routine

7th June 2017

Hi beautiful followers! Today I’m going to be recreating my simple everyday makeup routine/ tutorial (you’re welcome). I do this most days if I’m going to work or just out and about as it doesn’t require too much concentration and it looks like you’ve put a hearty amount of effort in. The pros of the winged liner! The best way to have flawless makeup is…

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3 Thoughts of a Southerner in the North

5th June 2017

Aloha my babies!Recently I went on my visit to the ‘proper’ North. I spent my weekend in Liverpool and man o’ man did I notice, we’re not in Kansas anymore Toto. Being a typical Southerner from the outskirts of London here are my top 3 thoughts of a Southerner in the North that I thought I would share: Everyone is so nice Now I don’t…

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Primark Makeup Tools Review

2nd June 2017

Hello babies! I think all of us have seen the hype that’s around the new makeup that Primark have launched. Yet I haven’t seen much talk about the makeup tools that go alongside, and with nothing over £2.50 I have to know what they’re about. (I’ve linked the products where I can, but not all are on the Primark website). Let’s get into the Primark…

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Stila ‘Stay All Day’ Waterproof Liquid Eye Liner Review

26th May 2017

Hola guapa! I can’t be the only one who has heard nothing but AMAZING reviews about this liquid liner, with even my babe Zoella featuring it a recent video. I’d been dying for a reason to purchase this little beauty, and when I saw Zoella use it … I had to. This isn’t the first and it definitely won’t be the last time ‘YouTube made…

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Best Primers for Oily Skin

19th May 2017

Aloha my loves! Now if you have oily skin like myself you will know how we long for a matte finish, to not have disgraceful flashback in photos, to have to blot at all times of the day and have eye ounce of makeup slide off to God only knows where when it’s hot outside. We fret not, I have found some of the best…

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